Monday, 2 January 2012

‘Chaavu Kooda Pelli Lantidhe Brother’

Many years ago I was watching a song in the film ‘Akali Rajyam’ and one of the lines went ’swatantra desam lo chaavu kooda pelli lantide brother…’. I didn’t quite understand why the famous Sri Sri wrote those lines. But today, after more than two decades I am getting reminding of that line and I admit that Sri Sri was indeed a great man with a vision to the practical future.

The reason for this thought is after spending few hours surfing the net, watching television and the news channels. I am referring to the recent demises of noted film personalities and the coverage being given to them. Right from the funeral of the recent M S Reddy to Dasari Padma to Kota Prasad, each activity involving people paying their respects till the final pyre is lit is being covered with utmost detail and precision.
The events are being highlighted with close up pictures on websites. The first thing that came to my mind looking at all this, is this a moment of grief or another avenue for publicity or TRP? They are showing the death ceremonies of noted people like it is a marriage reception. If the websites show their prowess by close-up shots, the TV channels show their talent by providing background songs and music.
Has death also become a publicity stunt? I agree that there will be that section of crowd who would be curious to know what is happening but the degree of intensity being shown in covering these dark events, even the family members of the deceased would not have thought about is so seriously. Why can’t the media folks show the same interest and attention to detail to expose corrupt politicians and officials? Why can’t they take the same initiative and interest in catching hold of criminals in society? Isn’t that fodder enough for good TRPs?
It is rather sad to see death being shown in such a grand manner but maybe it is like Sri Sri said “Swatantra Desam Lo Chaavu Kooda Pelli Lantide Brother…”.


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