Saturday, 31 December 2011


squareWhat is Management?

The concept of management has acquired special significance in the present competitive and complex business world. Efficient and purposeful management is absolutely essential for the survival of a business unit. Management concept is comprehensive and covers all aspects of business. In simple words, management means utilising available resources in the best possible manner and also for achieving well defined objectives. It is a distinct and dynamic process involving use of different resources for achieving well defined objectives. The resources are: men, money, materials, machines, methods and markets. These are the six basic inputs in management process (six M's of management) and the output is in the form of achievement of objectives. It is the end result of inputs and is available through efficient management process.

The term 'management' is used extensively in business. It is the core or life giving element in business. We expect that a business unit should be managed efficiently. This is precisely what is done in management. Management is essential for the conduct of business activity in an orderly manner. It is a vital function concerned with all aspects of working of an enterprise.

squareDefinitions of Management

  1. According to George R. Terry, "Management is a distinct process consisting of planning, organising, actuating and controlling, performed to determine and accomplish stated objectives by the use of human beings and other resources".
  2. According to Henry Fayol, "To manage is to forecast and to plan, to organise, to command, to coordinate and to control".
  3. According to Peter Drucker, "Management is a multi-purpose organ that manages business and manages managers and manages workers and work".
  4. According to Harold Koontz, "Management is the art of getting things done through and with people in formally organized groups”.
  5. According to Mary Parker Fallett, "Management is the art of getting things done through people".

squareCharacteristics of Management

  1. Management is a managerial process: Management is a process and not merely a body of individuals. Those who perform this process are called managers. The managers exercise leadership by assuming authority and direct others to act within the organisation. Management process involves planning, organising, directing and unifying human efforts for the accomplishment of given tasks.
  2. Management is a social process- Management takes place through people. The importance of human factor in management cannot be ignored. A manager's job is to get the things done with the support and cooperation of subordinates. It is this human element which gives management its special character.
  3. Management is action-based: Management is always for achieving certain objectives in terms of sales, profit, etc. It is a result-oriented concept and not merely an abstract philosophy. It gives importance to concrete performance through suitable actions. It is an action based activity.
  4. Management involves achieving results through the efforts of others: Management is the art of getting the things done through others. Managers are expected to guide and motivate subordinates and get the expected performance from them. Management acts as an activating factor.
  5. Management is a group activity: Management is not an isolated individual activity but it is a collective activity or an activity of a group. It aims at using group efforts for achieving objectives. Managers manage the groups and coordinate the activities of groups functioning in an organisation.
  6. Management is intangible: Management is not directly visible but its presence is noticed in the form of concrete results. Management is intangible. It is like invisible spirit, which guides and motivates people working in a business unit. Management is like government, which functions but is not visible in physical form.
  7. Management is aided, not replaced by computers: The computer is an extremely powerful tool of management. It helps a manager to widen his vision. The computer supplies ocean of information for important decision-making. The computer has unbelievable data processing and feedback facilities. This has enabled the manager to conduct quick analysis towards making correct decisions. A computer supports manager in his managerial work. However, it cannot replace managers in business. They were required in the past, at present and also in future. Their existence is absolutely essential in the management process.
  8. Management is all pervasive: Management is comprehensive and covers all departments, activities and employees. Managers operate at different levels but their functions are identical. This indicates that management is a universal and all pervasive process.
  9. Management is an art, science as well as a profession: Management is an art because certain skills, essential for good management, are unique to individuals. Management is a science because it has an organised body of knowledge. Management is also a profession because it is based on advanced and cultivated knowledge.
  10. Management aims at coordination of activities: Coordination is the essence of management. It gives one clear direction to the whole organisation and brings unity and harmony in the whole business unit. For such coordination, effective communication at all levels is essential.
  11. Management is innovative: Management techniques are dynamic and innovative. They need to be adjusted as per the requirements of the situations. Another manager need not repeat the decisions of one manager. Similarly, a manager has to change his decisions under different situations.
  12. Management has different operational levels: Every Organisation needs managers for managing business activities. The manager's job is basically the same at all levels. The managers at the higher levels have more important duties while managers at the lower levels have to perform routine functions i.e duties.
  13. Management is different from ownership: Management is concerned with the management of business activities. Managers are not the owners but they manage the business on behalf of the owners. Separation of ownership and management is a special feature of modem business organisation.
  14. Management has vast scope: The scope of management is quite comprehensive. It covers all aspects of business. The principles of management guide managers while managing various business activities.
  15. Management is dynamic: Business is influenced by changes in economic, social, political technological and human resource. Management adjusts itself to the changing atmosphere making suitable forecasts and changes in the policies. Hence, management is treated as a dynamic activity.
  16. Management aims at achieving predetermined objectives: Management is a meaningful activity. All organisations are essentially groups of individuals formed for achieving common objectives. An Organisation exists for the attainment of specific objectives.

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